Condominiums of Springbrook

Mail to : Springbrook Homeowner’s Association P.O. Box 15021 Loves Park, IL. 61132  


Board Members 

Buying Or Selling information 

 Declaration and By Laws

Social Activities

Work Request Form 

Additional Information about HOA 

Responsibility Information 

Rules and Regulation




Board Members:

Mary Ellen Naze : President
Maren Rader  : Vice-President
Joanna Westergren : Treasurer
Paula Christensen : Secretary
David Whitehouse : Member at Large

Nancy Mathews : BeautificationCommittee

Janis Garland   : Beautification Committee

Tom Clabough : Chair Landscape/Grounds Committee
Mary Hicks & Darrel Johnson : Co-Chair Building Committee
Mary Ann Norwood-Nolen : Welcoming/Social Committee
Open: Chair Documents and By-Laws Committee
Melinda Trier : Audit CommitteeChair
Mary Hicks : Communications Chair
Jim Johnson : 5 Lots Chair
Tom Clabough : Web Site Chairperson

The Board of Directors keeps the Map of Owners updated and emails the updated Map of Owners to all members who have provided an email address.  If you would like a copy of the latest Map of Owners, please contact the Communications Chair.


Revised: 05-23-2024